
Website is Live!

Welcome to Pablo’s Journey Through Brain Cancer!!

I am pleased to announce the launch of my website that endevours to offer up hope and inspiration to those, like myself, who are suffering or enduring a brain cancer diagnosis!

Please share with your friends and family and spread the good word about my site.

Thank you Kindly!

2 replies on “Website is Live!”

Hello Pablo,
Dennis Bauer, here, Atherton, North Queensland, Australia.
I tried once before to have a one on one with you, but was unfamiliar with the system or how ZOOM operated.
Thank you for your site, and your YouTube videos, I have been following every thing about you for quite a while, you have given me much inspiration and desire to keep on going. Thank you, to you and family.
Soon, this month, I would like to try again for a one to one with you.
Kind regards
Dennis Bauer

Hello Dennis,
I am grateful that you resonate with what I say!
I look forward to speaking to you again whenever you feel like doing it.
Kind regards,
Pablo Kelly

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