
I find myself afraid, then, all of a sudden, in that fear, I find my clarity. A voice in the darkness, drawing me towards the light within.

Fear, it settles deep within us, sometimes. Fear, it runs through our veins and through our nervous systems. It takes control of our motor functions, our sensory functions and drives us towards the darkness. I believe it is called, “fight or flight”. The human condition! Why is it conditional? Why does it have a place… Read More »


Finally my Body and Mind scans came through in the post. Look into my mind folks!


My choices. Are they as Limited as I think they are? Does Cancer mean you have to Stop Living and leading a “Normal life”?

Cancer. The big scary “thing”! In brain cancer, it is suggested that it is an anomaly or abnormality. The statistic I was told by my Neurosurgeon, was, that 100 people out of 1.5 million in Devon & Cornwall each year, are diagnosed with a brain tumour. When it came to me personally, that meant that,… Read More »


When Life becomes more Important than the Things you Desire in Life.

Desires, I had many. Habits, loads. Good and bad, and in between. In the past two months I have had to let go of all of them, in order to live my life, to have longevity. I have had to, (out of necessity), let go of all my ambition and desire. Just let it wash… Read More »


There are no problems, only solutions. Finding a new purpose for this thing inside my brain. Where to next?

So already, the picture they painted for me was one of little hope, but as you may already have figured, I have faith that life is guiding me. If there is no answer in conventional medicine, then I will find the solution elsewhere! Never give up, never surrender, unless it is your heart to the… Read More »